Thursday, July 8, 2010

First half of Summer 2010

This is what we've been doing so far this summer

  • 5 batches of strawberry jam in the freezer
  • One new no-training wheels bike rider - WooHoo for Lucy!
  • One new road bike
  • Lots of books read
  • Swimming lessons for Sam - he can swim one lenght of the pool on his own!
  • One super-quick trip to the beach for Eric's work
  • 4th of July with the neighborhood - so glad Lucy isn't super scared of the fireworks this year
  • Sailing camp for Sam
  • Playdates with preschool friends and grade-school classmates
  • Lots of work for Eric -we're hoping he gets a day off soon

We're looking forward to Uncle Adam & Christi's wedding, nature park camps and more fun. We're hoping Eric gets some time off so we can do a vacation. We haven't had a proper vacation in the past 19 months.

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