Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Cards

I love getting holiday cards – and it’s so much more fun to get the mail when you have new cards coming in everyday. My kids and I especially love to see pictures from friends and family – especially those who we don’t see often. Every year I sift through the basket of cards at my Dad’s house to get updates on all our family friends and their kids who I’m no longer close too, but it’s still nice to see how they are doing.

Once again this year I’m procrastinating on our cards (going on vacation after Thanksgiving really throws a wrench in the schedule – albeit a fun wrench).

I’ve used Shutterfly for pictures and calendars before, but never cards. I love the photo cards ~ and would love to put one of our cute vacation pictures in our Christmas Card!

My favorites are:

Holiday Dazzle


Starlight Trees

Thanks to Shutterfly for offering bloggers 50 free cards this year!

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